Copyright © Little Bunnies childcare centre and preschool. All rights reserved.

Little Bunnies Childcare Centre and Preschool

Our commitment to be a child safe organisation: 

All managers, staff and volunteers are committed to implementing the NSW Child Safe Standards. The safety, health and wellbeing of children is the number one priority of all staff and volunteers who understand children’s safety is a shared responsibility. We have zero tolerance for any form of child abuse and are committed to acting in children’s best interests. Our policies and procedures support and inform this commitment, and our leaders and managers regularly review staff and volunteer practices and understanding, prioritising training or taking other relevant action if required. 

Our policies and procedures also support and comply with the Education and Care National Law and Regulations, and the National Quality Standard (NQS), whose guiding objective and principles outlined in section 3 include ensuring “the safety, health and wellbeing of children attending  education and care services”, “the rights and best interest of children are paramount”, the principles of equity, inclusion and diversity underlie this Law”,” that Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are valued”, and “that the role of parents and families is respected and supported.” This objectives and principles are embedded in many of the Laws and Regulations which we must comply with. The Laws, Regulations and NQS elements which are particularly relevant to child safety are listed above.

Please refer to the link below for our Child Protection Policy and Child Safe Policy:

Useful resources regarding Child Safe Standards and being a child safe service:

Little Bunnies CC and Preschool - Grievance and Complaints Policy: